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Ocean Voyagers

The classroom who have adopted a profiling float : Adopt a float is an educational program to promote knowledge of the ocean to the youngest ... Once pupils have adopted a float, (an under water robot) they become an Ocean Voyager with a personnal webpage as a dashboard...

The Ocean Voyagers community

All adopting classes join the Ocean Voyagers community: a community actively involved in marine science education.
Discover here all Ocean Voyagers, and browse their dashboards: where do they come from? How did they name their float? In which regions of the global ocean drift their robots?…

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Press & Media

adopt a float : parution d’articles de presse, de vidéos et posts sur les réseaux sociaux.
Charte graphique, logos d’adopt a float

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Presse & Médias

adopt a float : parution d’articles de presse, de vidéos et posts sur les réseaux sociaux.
Charte graphique, logos d’adopt a float

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