adopt a float is a multidisciplinary educational program that offers students the opportunity to explore the global ocean and how crucial its study is to better understand and protect it. By adopting an underwater robot of the “profiling float” type, students and their teachers (from primary and secondary school levels of all countries around the world) are welcomed and guided to approach Ocean topics.
By adopting a profiling float, the school classes become part of the “Ocean Voyagers” community. Its members can exchange views, compare data of their robots and unite around a common Ocean literacy.
Meet the members of the community: where do they come from? How did they name their float? In which regions of the global ocean does their float drift?…
Access the data measured by our profiling floats! The associated handbook will help you to understand these data which are also used by the international scientific community.
adopt a float provides scientific and educational tools and helps teachers to bring Ocean sciences into the classroom.
Videoconference meetings led by scientists and science outreach and education officers ...
A newsletter specifically dedicated to education professionals. ...
Educational resources about the Ocean to use in the classroom ...